Our vision is to create a safe, stimulating and healthy environment in which our children feel respected, valued and included; where the foundations are nurtured for them to become confident individuals, responsible citizens, effective contributors and successful learners.
At Doonvale Private Nursery School we all try to be helpful, patient, kind, understanding, fair, trustworthy, responsible, respectful, active, healthy, to have a good sense of humour and enjoy our time at Nursery. Values identified in discussions with children and staff.
About Us

The Owners
Arnie Cartwright
B.S.c. Economics Honours (London University)
Post Graduate Certificate in Education (Liverpool University)
Barbara Cartwright
Diploma in Education (Craigie College, Ayr)
With 25 years experience in Education, both in the UK and overseas, The Cartwrights returned to Scotland in 2001 following a successful period in the prestigious Dubai English Speaking School where Arnie held the post of deputy headteacher and Barbara fulfilled the role of infant co-ordinator.

The Staff
Our fully qualified staff work together in order to maintain high standards of quality care and education.
The child is at the centre of everything in the Nursery, and this is reflected in the approach adopted by staff in order to ensure that individual needs are being met.
Continuous staff development and training is an integral part of the Nursery's ethos and members of staff access training through a variety of agencies.
All staff have been vetted by The Nursery, Disclosure Scotland / Protecting Vulnerable Groups Scheme and are registered with the Scottish Social Services Council.