Other playrooms:
The Buttery (2-3 yrs)
The Birth to Three curriculum continues in The Buttery but a greater emphasis is placed upon promoting independence.
The importance of a positive approach to personal hygiene is developed gradually, in a systematic manner. Toilet training, washing hands and proficient tooth brushing habits, introduced earlier, are consolidated upon.
Each day is organised around a basic structure and new and existing elements of the curriculum are identified and extended according to individual stages and needs. For instance, a greater knowledge and understanding of language, vocabulary, colour, shape, numbers etc will be presented using appealing materials, equipment and a variety of settings within the room.
The following are examples of some of the activities made available to children on a daily basis:
● Sand play
● Water play
● Painting
● Art and Craft
● Dressing up / Imaginative play
● Jigsaws
● Table top games
● Singing and musical activities
● Construction
● Heuristic play
● Small world play
Meal and snack times are extremely sociable occasions that provide opportunities for children to develop relationships. At the same time, a basic notion of “good table manners” is established.
Some children may require an afternoon nap and opportunities for sleep are available. Children come together for group time twice a day, when they will listen to stories, sing songs and pass on “important” news items from home. By providing high quality learning experiences, children will hopefully become motivated learners, who will then aspire to new challenges.
A brightly decorated room, featuring displays of children’s work makes The Buttery an appealing environment for children as they explore and continue to grow as individuals.